Adelaide Pianist

Tag Adelaide Pianist

Foodland Pasadena Flower Bar

This month at Foodland Pasadena I will be entertaining at the Flower Bar. Come along and grab a high tea with a friend and enjoy a range of different solo piano music. [social_buttons facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” style=”default”]

Foodland Pasadena Flower Bar

This month at Foodland Pasadena I will be entertaining at the Flower Bar. Come along and grab a high tea with a friend and enjoy a range of different solo piano music. [social_buttons facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” style=”default”]

Lady Fingers *SOLD OUT*

“Watch Emma’s lady fingers running up and down the keys” Emma’s lady fingers will take you on a musical journey, including songs from Emma’s debut album ‘Anticipate’, her upcoming honours university album ‘Inspired’, cabaret shows about pianos and her piano…

Lady Fingers

“Watch Emma’s lady fingers running up and down the keys” [button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”BOOK HERE” color_override=”#6204f9″] ​Join Emma and her lady fingers for a journey through songs from Emma’s debut album Anticipate, her upcoming honours university album, cabaret shows…

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