Tag Winter in Adelaide
Mélodies Flottantes: Mélange à Trois
Celebrate Bastille Day with Mélange à Trois! **Our French cruises are always popular so book early** [button color=”extra-color-1″ hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/melodies-flottantes-melange-a-trois-tickets-64451453031″ text=”BOOK NOW” color_override=””] “Mélange à Trois” play a sultry blend of French Bossa Nova, 60’s French Pop, Gypsy Jazz…
Keys to the City
🎹 KEYS TO THE CITY 2019 🎹 Presented by Jasmyn Birch Music… In its second year, Keys to The City is a one day showcase of emerging and established artists with a focus on keyboards. This mini-festival shines a spotlight…